Reading your epubs
Distraction free.

What is Jane Reader?
Jane Reader is a modern and clean epub reader that brings a whole new reading exprience — distraction-free, eye-friendly, and enjoyable 📚.
Jane Reader comes with a library, with which you can easily manage your ebooks.
Automatic Light/Dark Mode
Jane Reader is eye-friendly by switching to light/dark mode Automatically according to your system preference.
Color Themes
Jane Reader has 6 built-in color themes, 3 for light mode and 3 for dark mode.
Jane reader supports 1-column, 2-column or auto layout.
Jane Reader has several built-in fonts, letting you reading with either serif or sans-serif typefaces.
Custom margins, line height and font size
Jane reader lets you customize margins, line height and font size, building a custom layout thats suits you, pleases you.
Save & Restore book locations
Jane reader saves your last reading locations of books, and restores them when you reopen the books. Besides, the reader window sizes are also restored.
Chapters and page(column) numbers
Jane reader shows current chapter in header, and page(column) numbers in footer. This comes in handy when you want to know where your are of the book.
Vertical mode
Switch between horizontal mode and vertical mode, for Chinese and Japanese.
Jane Reader
Available for MacOS and Windows.
Welcome to download and try it out! Jane Reader is in beta which may contain bugs, and some features are yet to be done.